Yoga Auckland

Yoga offerings for the colder months 2025

May 10th 2025 – Yoga for posture and body awareness – concerned that you are losing flexibility and range of motion over the years? For many people, as we get on the other side of 50, joints begin to get stiffer, and you just don’t move as freely as he used to. Sound familiar? In this class we will observe how we are now living in our bodies, our posture, and how we can improve and correct. It is essential that we are more mindful of our inner landscape and choose a balanced yoga practise that supports our needs .

June 7th 2025 – Vata pacifying practise- Vata represents the air/ether element that is part of all of us. I think we can all relate to feeling at times  a little spacey , worrying more than is necessary , feeling anxious and fearful. This practise addresses some of these feelings. It will be a  stretch and restorative practise with focus on breathe, calming the mind and grounding the body.

July 9th 2025 – The importance of the lymphatic system – In this workshop will be focusing more on the heavy damp element of earth and water- Kapha (and winter). We will be addressing the important lymphatic system and how to enhance our immunity for the winter months. The practise will include a few gentle supported backbends and inversions. The focus will be on the throat, neck and the abdominal cavity and the fluid component of the body.

All classes will be held at Flourish Studio, Takapuna. The cost is $45 and the sessions run for 90 mins from 3pm to 4.30 pm on Saturdays. The studio is small and cosy – hence numbers are limited and there is a need to book.

Email me to hold your place –


Take Yoga Classes

The style Perry teaches is Hatha-based and incorporates stretching and dynamic movement with emphasis on alignment and breath awareness. The class caters for all levels and leads to increased personal understanding, stillness of mind and improved strength and flexibility. Perry brings with her 35 years yoga practise. She is a Naturopath and Ayurvedic practitioner and teaches postures, breathing exercises and relaxation techniques to suit.

If you are interested in joining a class please ask. The class attendance is by invitation only . Contact 021499054

What is Yoga Therpay?

The applications of Yoga Therapy ranges anywhere from maintaining health, to recovering from illness – in some cases, even those considered incurable. It can be a preventative therapy, but also restorative, palliative and curative. Yoga therapy adapts the practice of Yoga to the individual needs of the person with specific or persistent health or injury problems, not usually addressed in a group class. As for Yoga style Yoga Therapy feeds from virtually all styles and branches, looking for a yoga practice that will serve body, mind and spirit. Normally Yoga therapy is done is small groups or private sessions (allowing for the individual attention) and covers physical practice, meditation, visualisation and breathe work.

“Being new to Yoga and suffering from Meniscal damage to my knee I have found Perry to be the perfect introduction to the world of Yoga. At he ripe age of 50 and a sports enthusiast who thought Yoga was for “girls” when I started I needed nurturing with a steady hand and have found Perry to be the perfect blend of tutor and practitioner taking into account my injury and yoga naiveté 19 months later I hate to miss a class and am preaching to others of the benefits that Yoga can bring to the uninitiated and uninformed. I have no hesitation in recommending Perry as a Yoga instructor and believe her understanding of personal needs and limitations will provide a positive outcome for whoever is fortunate enough to find time for her class” R Wijnstock

When would you utilise a private session

> A beginner looking for individualised attention, with the intention of joining a general class. In a small group you learn the proper alignment of the poses and also if required use of props.

> Musculoskeletal issues like lower and upper back pain, sciatica, and shoulder, neck and hip pain

> For management of other conditions such as high BP, stress management, coping with the effects of cancer treatments, arthritis, anxiety and depression.

“I have found the physical benefits of Yoga to be very rewarding. I feel stronger and am infinitely more flexible. I am for the first time in my life looking forward to exercising. Far outweighing the physical benefits are the mental and spiritual aspects. I feel calmer and more centred. I am learning to be truly present and to look at life from a very different angle.” – Jenny R

Perry brings a compassionate approach and applies the philosophy of right practise for your body. Perry has conducted and written a research paper on ‘Right Yoga Practise for your dosha (constitution)’ looking at different asanas (yoga poses) and varying styles of Yoga that enhance your well being.

Learn Meditation

For thousands of years, people have used meditation to move beyond the minds busy activity into profound peace and expanded awareness. In to day’s busy lifestyle, meditation is needed more than ever, to provide peace and contentment. As many studies show, a regular meditation practice offers numerous health benefits, including lowering blood pressure, strengthening of the immune system, and releasing stress and fatigue. As you meditate on a regular basis, you will notice an increased sense of well-being as well as greater energy and inspiration. Different meditation techniques are taught including Yoga Nidra, mantra, japa and visualisation.

Meditation is often done on a one to one basis, as part of the offerings of Ayurveda, which recognises the importance of peace and tranquility in our lives.

Private sessions available on request – Priced at $135 for one hour

Click Here to contact Perry for more info or to make a booking